Needle-looper distance and needle-guard adjustments can be made from the bottom of the machine after having removed the protection-plate with the holes (1 screw).

When a thin needle is replaced by a thick one (or reverse), the following adjustments have to be


  1. Needle guard adjustment
  2. Adjustment of the distance beween needle and looper (0,1 mm for a double stitch (2-wire) machine)

Needle-looper adjustment is described here specifically, because this is a critical setting. When the machine has been threaded, remove only the wire from the needles eye, otherwise the wire will frustrate the adjustment process.

?Screw C? (as mentionned on page 14 of the Union Special manual), located behind the plastic plug, has to be loosened before the looper-shaft can be moved in order to adjust the needle-looper distance. The shaft can travel along a distance of 4-5 mm on the flat surface of the shaft. The screw is accessible in the folowing situation ONLY:

A. When the looper is ABOVE the needle. This is the side where the needle-thread enters the needle-hole.

B. The 0,1 mm adjustment however, must be made when the looper is on the other side of the needle. So, reposition the loopershaft/looper by means of the motor-wheel.

C. When the loopershaft is pushed inwards, (towards the shaft-bushing), the looper/needle distance becomes wider. Pulling outwards, away from the bushing, makes the needle-looper distance smaller.

D. The moment of measuring is when the point of the looper has passed the scarf of the needle (is positioned on the thick part of the needle (under the eye). This is the case when the looper has passed the needle for 1mm approx.

Important checks a Smitsen 2200-2t machine
Check the timing of the wheels (gear). The timing is Ok when the lower feeddog has reached his maximum position , going outwards. At hat time the needle eye must be just visible (Is coming out of the needle-plate)



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